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General presentation

The foundations of the Department of Dental Prostheses Technology and Dental Materials were laid in 1962 by Prof. Dr. Emanoil Popa, then head of the Department, seconded by Dr. Veronica Popa, assistant and Prof. Dr. Nicolae Marcu. The discipline initially operated in a room in the Maxillo-facial Surgery Clinic, where there were two workbenches and 12 suspended motors, the laboratory being coordinated by dental technician Paul Theiss.

In 1963, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radu Roşiu, led for a period of time, simultaneously, both the Dental Prosthetics Department and the Department of Dental Prostheses Technology and Dental Materials. In his activity, Dr. Radu Roşiu was assisted by: Dr. Vlad Romulus, Dr. Cornel Laichici and Dr. Mariara Pop. On the corridors of the Policlinic III, on the 3rd and 4th floor, some spaces were built where the discipline carried out its activity until the academic year 1988-1989.

Between 1964 and 1968, the discipline was led by Dr. Vlad Romulus, a dentist and primary maxillo-facial surgeon. Between 1968 and 1977, Dr. Loan Bordeian, head of department, came to lead the discipline.

In the academic year 1977-1978, Dr. Marioara Pop was in charge of the discipline, and in 1989, the direction of the discipline was taken over by Prof. Dr. Dorin Bratu.

In the academic year 1988-1989, the headquarters of the discipline was moved from the Polyclinic III to the Medicine II building, on Spl. T. Vladimirovescu 14, through the efforts of Prof. Univ. Emanoil Popa, the dean of Faculty of Dental Medicine and interim rector.

In the year 2000, after the transfer of Prof. Dr. Dorin Bratu to the Department of Dental Prosthetics, the lead of the discipline was taken over by Mr. Prof. Dr. Mihai Romînu who is the head of the department at the moment.

Following the decision of the rector of UMF „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, Mr. Prof. Dr. Şt. I. Drăgulescu, part of the Department of Dental Prostheses Technology and Dental Materials was moved in 2001 in the building of the Faculty of Dentistry (former Polyclinic III).

Since the autumn of 2006, the entire Department of Dental Prostheses Technology and Dental Materials has been operating in the building of the Faculty of Dentistry, from Bd. Revoluţiei 1989 no. 9.

In the period 1989-2000, with the efforts of Prof. Dr. Dorin Bratu and the other members of the discipline, it underwent significant transformations, both as a technical-material endowment, and tutors. The technical-material base was continuously improved after 2000, the laboratories being equipped with modern equipment and installations, which allowed both raising the quality of the educational process and scientific research, the members of the department having studies published in specialized journals abroad.

Thus we can mention the existence in the Educational and Research Laboratory that works in the department, of a dedicated three-dimensional milling system, a CAD / CAM system (Wieland), a welding system including syncrystallization in the oral cavity by (Italy), a diode laser system , a system for carrying out all-ceramic prosthetic works by pressing (eMax, Ivoclar) and a system for carrying out all-ceramic works by electrophoretic deposition (WolCeram). The department also has a Mecmesin Multitest 5i mechanical testing device, respectively a metallographic microscope.

Following the international collaborations made with Prof. Univ. Adrian Gh. Podoleanu (University of Kent, Canterbury, UK), Department of Prostheses Technology and Dental Materials, has won research projects in national competitions with the topic of coherent optical tomography applications in dentistry. The publications made during this period of time are welcomed by the researchers, marking the first OCT investigations in dental technique (defectoscopy in ceramics, polymers and dental composites), orthodontics, implantology and prosthetics. Since 2009, within the department there is the first national OCT Time Domain system dedicated to applications in Dentistry, and since 2011 there is the first national Spectral OCT system dedicated to clinical applications in Dentistry. The members of the department use OCT technology in other fields as well, in collaboration with other department and research projects, covering a major area of interest (general medicine, museography, archeology, art, etc.).

Validations of the research results were performed following the collaboration with University at Buffalo, New York, USA, using Micro-CT technology, Univ. of Medicine, Novi Sad, Serbia and ETH – Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Switzerland using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and cryogenics technologies.

A major aspect is the continuous collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Timişoara, a reliable and enduring partner in the world of fundamental research, in different directions of common interest.

In 2011, the researches were involved in the use of non-invasive investigations using Synchrotron radiation, as a result of collaboration with Elettra, Trieste (Italy). The three-dimensional reconstructions of the scans obtained from Synchrotron were processed at the Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy, in collaboration with a European COST program (MP1005). Absorption assessments have opened up new avenues of research in dentistry with a major impact on the level of research.

Over the years, students of the Faculty of Dentistry have been conducting research in the Department of Prostheses Technology and Dental Materials, and the results have been presented at a number of national and international student conferences, some of which have won valuable awards (Novi Sad, Serbia). , Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Moscow, Russia, etc.).

Faculty of Dental Medicine - study program in Romanian and English:
  • Second year, semesters III and IV- DENTAL PROSTHESES TECHNOLOGY
  • Third year, semester V- DENTAL MATERIALS

Optional courses:

Dental Technique Study Program:
Dental Prophylaxis Assistance
Research Projects
  • FP7 COST Action MP 1005 (2011-2015) From nano to macro biomaterials (design, processing, characterization, modeling) and applications to stem cells regenerative orthopedic and dental medicine (NAMABIO) from Romanian part. Prof. Univ. Dr. Cosmin Sinescu – team member.
  • PII-C3-TC-2015- 15132-05 State-of-the-art methods in the in vivo and in vitro evaluation of whitening procedures in dentistry S.L. Dr. Emanuela Lidia Craciunescu.
  • FP7 COST Action FP1101 (22 November 2011- 21 November 2015) Assessment, Reinforcement and Monitoring of Structures- responsible for Romania- Prof. Univ. Dr. Meda Lavinia Negruţiu.
  • PII-C3-TC-2015- 15132-05 State-of-the-art methods in the in vivo and in vitro evaluation of whitening procedures in dentistry S.L. Dr. Emanuela Lidia Crăciunescu.
  • POSDRU grant, 4D-POSTDOC, contract no. POSDRU / 89 / 1.5 / S / 52603 (2010-2013) Development and support of multidisciplinary postdoctoral programs in priority technical areas of the national strategy for research – development – innovation (2010-2013). Prof. Univ. Dr. Cosmin Sinescu – team member.
  • Invest in people! EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND, Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013 Priority Axis 1 “Education and training in support of economic growth and development of the knowledge-based society” Major field of intervention 1.5 “Doctoral and post-doctoral programs in support of research” Project title : Doctoral scholarships for competitive PhD students in the European Research Area Contract identification number: POSDRU / 1.5 / 88 / S / 63117. – Head of Works Emanuela Lidia Craciunescu – member of the team.
  • Program III-C2-PCFI- Partnerships in Innovative Fundamental Research contract no. 15318-01 / 18.12.2014 Innovative and applied fundamentals of coherent optical tomography in dentistry. Alternative experimental validations. Acronym DENTALOCT. Prof. Univ. Dr. Cosmin Sinescu – team member.
  • PNII Partnership 2011, code PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-1682, contract 22/2012 Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) systems with handheld and endoscope probes for real-time investigations in material studies and for in vivo medical imaging. . Prof. Univ. Dr Cosmin Sinescu- team member.
  • Grant PN II Ideas 1754 (2012-2015) Early detection and monitoring of the effects of bruxism by modern methods Grant PN II – PARTNERSHIP Program (PCCA Type 2 Project – with co-financing), Systems for Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) with handheld devices and endoscopic for real-time investigations in materials science and in vivo in the biomedical field (2012-2015). Prof. Univ. Dr. Cosmin Sinescu – team member.
  • Grant TE 219 (2010-2013) Unconventional methods of non-invasive analysis and prognosis in dentistry (2010–2013). Prof. Univ. Dr. Cosmin Sinescu – project director.
  • Grant PN II Idei 1754 (2009-2011) Early detection and monitoring of the effects of bruxism by modern methods – Prof. Univ Dr. Meda Lavinia Negruţiu – team member.
  • Grant PNII Idei 1752 (2009-2011) Development of optoelectronic methods for early exploration and diagnosis of impaired vitality of prosthetic teeth and inflammation of the marginal gum, optimization of work technique – Prof. Univ Dr. Meda Lavinia Negrutiu – team member.
  • Grant PN II Ideas 1741 (2009-2011) Unconventional methods of analysis and prognosis for modern technologies for making dentures (2009-2011). Prof. Univ. Dr. Cosmin Sinescu-project director.
  • CEEX Grant ET 122/2006, Module II Human Resources, Prognosis of the opportunity, security and efficiency of mesostructures and prosthetic superstructures depending on their design and the material from which they are made in implant therapy (2007 – 2008) Prof. Univ. Dr. Cosmin Sinescu – project director.
  • Grant CEEX ET 40/2006, contract 1422/2006 Modern methods of non – destructive investigation, analysis and prognosis in dentistry (2006 – 2008) -. Prof. Univ. Dr. Cosmin Sinescu – project director.
  • CEEX ET 41/2006, contract NR. 1446 / 29.03.2006 – Unconventional techniques for evaluation and optimization of dental prostheses. Prof. Univ. Dr. Meda Lavinia Negrutiu – project director. Prof. Univ. Dr. Cosmin Sinescu – team member.
  • Unconventional methods of non-invasive analysis and prognosis in dentistry, PN II, Human Resources Program, TE 101/2010, Director: Head of work. Dr. Sinescu Cosmin.
  • Unconventional methods of analysis and prognosis for modern technologies for dental prostheses, PNII, IDEI Program, contract ID_1741 / 2008. Director: Head of work. Dr. Sinescu Cosmin.
  • Optimizing the biomechanical behavior of partial dentures by introducing a new special system to maintain stabilization support and generate modern sanitation and maintenance measures. Program: CNCSIS A 1032/2007. Director: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Negruţiu Meda Lavinia.
  • Prognosis of the opportunity, safety and efficiency of mesostructures and prosthetic superstructures depending on their design and the material from which they are made in implant therapy. Program: CEEX ET-5862/2006. Director: Head of work. Dr. Sinescu Cosmin.
  • Grant CEEX 82/2006, P-CDI (module I) Optimization of dento-periodontal treatments using laser technology – Multidisciplinary testing (2006-2008). Head of Work. Dr. Cosmin Sinescu – team member.
  • Modern methods of non-destructive investigation, evaluation and prognosis in dentistry. Program: CEEX ET-1422/2006. Director: Head of work. Dr. Sinescu Cosmin.
  • Unconventional techniques for evaluating and optimizing dentures. Program: CEEX ET-1446/2006. Director: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Negruţiu Meda Lavinia.
  • Elaboration of a technology and installation for the generation of fixed partial dentures and the study of their interfaces with dental hard tissues. Program: CNCSIS At 13/2005. Director: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Negruţiu Meda Lavinia.
  • Numerical and experimental studies of direct and indirect restorative procedures of the dento-maxillary apparatus with heterogeneous materials. Program: CNCSIS At 54/2002. Director: Prof.univ. Dr. Mihai Romînu.
  • Interdisciplinary research program Horizon 2000 – contract no. 15.7 – – carried out within (1996-1998) Research for the realization of the equipment of a zonal laboratory for testing and evaluating the quality of some dental biomaterials – As. Univ Dr. Mihai Rominu- team member.
  • POSDRU / 18 / 1.2 / G / 40067 Quality standards and specific performance indicators for higher education in the field of health – Head of Work. Meda Lavinia Negrutiu – team member.
  • Project POSDRU / 86 / 1.2 / S / 63815 Quality and European professional competence in medical education and in the management of educational activities – Head of Work. Meda Lavinia Negrutiu – team member.

Biomaterials, Nanomaterials and their applications in dentistry, cryogenic techniques used in tandem with nanoparticle infusion for 3D mapping of biostructures up to micro and nano-dimensional level.

Direct and indirect adhesive techniques.

Modern techniques of solidarity in dentistry, solidarity of polymers; laser welding; solidarity by syncrystallization; biocompatibility studies of the combined areas; joint corrosion tests; microstructure tests of joints in dentistry.

Alternative technologies for making dentures from: polymers: injection; thermo-baro-photopolymerization for polymeric PPF without metal component; CAD / CAM milling of PPF or infrastructures for polymeric PPF without metal component) metals and alloys: smelting / casting; galvanizing; SLS / SLM; CAD / CAM; electrochemical technologies (controlled corrosion based on 3D patterns); 3D processing of metal parts with water jet) ceramic masses (Sintering; Pressing; CAD/ CAM: CAD based on a virtual model obtained by scanning (with natural light or laser) or profilometry or CAD based on a virtual model represented by a hologram; Electroplating; EDM; SLS; Atypical technologies.

Modern methods of analysis, prognosis and invasive investigation in dentistry: mechanical testing, metallographic techniques; laser microspectral analysis; photoacoustic methods; investigations related to heat transfer related to the properties and interactions of biomaterials used in dentistry; photoelasticity (two and three dimensional, static and dynamic); resistive tensiometry; electrochemical investigations; MALDI mass spectrometry; fractographic.

Modern methods of analysis, prognosis and non-invasive investigation in dentistry: 3D modeling in dentistry; numerical simulation (indirectly, on previously generated 2D and 3D models or directly on real-time digitized structures); optical microscopy; X-ray to check the integrity of dental alloys; CT / MRI for different biostructures; thermography; dynamic control investigations (filming at different frames per second); optoelectronics: OCT (Time Domain and Spectral Domain), OCT + CM, OCT and fluorescence, MicroCT, holography, interferometry;

National collaborations: Polytechnic University of Timisoara; West University of Timişoara

International collaborations:

  • University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
  • University at Buffalo, New York, USA;
  • University of Medicine, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • ETH – Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Switzerland,
  • Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona, Italy
  • Analysis of direct and indirect restoration interfaces
  • The first national OCT investigation systems in Time Domain and Spectral Domain dedicated to Dentistry

Over 50 ISI articles – in journals with an impact factor:

  • Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Quintessence International, Journal of Biomedical Optics, Lasers In Medical Science,
  • Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Computer Methodsin Biomechanics and Biomedical
  • Engineering, European Cells and Materials Journal, Revista de Chimie, Materiale Plastice, , Metalurgia International
  • Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Journal of Biomedical Optics, Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embriology
  • Journal of Clinical Medicine

Over 148 ISI proceedings-uri ISI
Proceedings of SPIE, Proceedings of WSEAS, Proceedings of DAAM etc.
35 articles and proceedings published in BDI journals (abroad)
50 articles published in magazines classified B and B + by CNCS
over 75 articles and proceedings published in C and D journals or not included in the CNCS
over 100 scientific papers presented at international conferences (abroad)
over 230 scientific papers presented at national conferences, with international participation (in the country)

Establishment in 2020, within the Department of Prostheses Technology and Dental Materials, Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş” Timişoara, of the Dental Research Center using Conventional and Alternative Technologies.

  • Dental impression device for carrying out fixed prosthetic restorations, has covering segments that provide compliance with configuration of dental arch to perform restoration, and height of structure set to average height of abutments, Patent Number (s): RO134613-A0, COJOCARIU AC, SINESCU C, LASZLO K, NEGRUTIU ML, ROMINU M, LERETTER MT, JIVANESCU A, CRACIUNESCU EL, NEAGU CS, LEVAI C Patent Assignee Name (s) and Code (s): UNIV TIMISOARA MEDICINA SI FARM BABES (UYTI-Non-standard)
  • Portable apparatus for dental wax modeling, used by dental technicians and dentists, Patent Number (s): RO132373-A0, Inventor (s): KREMS C, SINESCU C, PODARIU AC, NEGRUTIU ML, LEVAI MC, POROJAN SD, COJOCARIU AC, MARCU C
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