Contact us

Address: Iosif Nemoianu Street, no. 2, 300011 Timisoara
Phone: 0256203303

Staff of the University Clinic

Head of the University Clinic

📲 Phone: 0722701837

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📃 Curriculum vitae


📲 Phone: 0744777427

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📲 Phone: 0744692298

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📲 Phone: 0723598501

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📲 Phone: 0759316547

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📲 Phone: 0723774846

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📲 Phone: 0753957777

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📲 Phone: 0740184086

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📲 Phone: 0760282030

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📲 Phone: 0744820491

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📲 Phone: 0722587281

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📲 Phone: 0720371710

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General presentation

The III Pediatrics Clinic has been operating in the structure of the “Louis Ţurcanu” Emergency Clinical Hospital for Children since 1992 and is part of the 11th Pediatrics Department of UMFT. The clinic includes 2 inpatient wards with 53 and 47 beds, respectively, and a bone marrow transplant compartment for adults and children with 8 beds, a 10-bed day hospital, and an integrated outpatient clinic. The clinic is served by a total of 20 doctors: 16 university teachers (2 professors, 1 associate professor, 2 supervisors, and 11 assistants), 4 doctors of the network of the Ministry of Health, and 2 researchers. Among them, 10 doctors have in addition to the specialty of pediatrics a second specialty (Hematology, Medical Oncology, Pediatric Oncohematology, Nephrology, Genetics, Gastroenterology, or Cardiology). A number of 9 doctors have various competencies: general ultrasound, cardiac ultrasound, or pediatric oncology. The vast majority of teachers have benefited from exchanges of experience or documentation visits to clinics abroad: Munich, Monchengadbach, Dusseldorf, Essen (Germany), Vienna (Austria), Louisville, Orlando, Tampa (USA). There is a long-term cooperation with prestigious clinics abroad: Munich, Vienna, Greifswald, Essen, Louisville, and Miskolcz. Also, there is a special relationship with the Oncopediatrics Clinic and the Transplant Center in Vienna, where all our doctors and nurses working in Oncohematology exchanged experience for 3 months each. Within the clinic, there are 7 compartments approved by the Ministry of Health: Pediatrics, Pediatric Oncohematology, Immuno-allergology, and Bone Marrow Transplantation, Cardiology, Genetics, Palliative Care Unit, HIV Infection, Toxicology. Through its service, the clinic covers all pediatric pathology. Its priority concerns are pediatric hematology and oncology, bone marrow transplantation, pediatric immunology and allergology, cardiology. The clinic operates an interregional center for hemophilia and pediatric oncology, both in a new, spacious, well-equipped building, laboratories of molecular biology, flow cytometry, genetics and FISH, hemostasis, etc. The clinical research focuses on these main medical concerns listed, the clinic having over the years numerous research projects contracted by ASM and CNCSIS on various topics regarding immunodeficiency, autoimmunity, hemophilia, and cancer in children.