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Address: Str. Gheorghe Adam, nr. 13, 300310 Timișoara, România
Phone: 0720311753

Staff of the University Clinic

Head of the University Clinic

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General presentation

The Discipline of Infectious Diseases was established in 1948, when the Infectious Diseases Section became a University Clinic. The first Head of Clinic and Department, Prof. Dr. Vladimir Teodor Bușilă, considered the founder of the Timisoara School of Infectious Pathology, worked with dedication and passion until September 1977. While the Romanian school of infectious pathology was dominated by research on the etiology of infections and antibiotic therapy, Prof. Dr. V. T. Bușilă, benefiting from his solid training as a physiologist, was the first to intuit and then research the aspects of pathogenesis, especially of severe forms of whooping cough, tetanus, sepsis, hepatitis, and to approach with great competence the intensive therapy of critical infections.

Since October 1, 1977 two Infectious Diseases Clinics were established: the First Infectious Diseases Clinic lead by Prof. Dr. Mihail Dragomirescu and the Second Infectious Diseases Clinic lead by Prof. Dr. Iulian Vasilescu. Prof. Dr. Mihail Dragomirescu, with a strong preclinical background (in pathophysiology and biochemistry, as a former student and collaborator of Prof. Ion Cotăescu and Prof. Mihai Vanghelovici), introduced numerous immunological, pathophysiological and biochemical investigation techniques in the Infectious Diseases Clinic. He initiated the establishment of the intensive care department, assisted by Dr. Vasile Marțincu, Dr. Emil Novac and Dr. Doina Stănescu. He initiated experimental research in endotoxin shock and tetanus. He also supported the creation of the hepatitis dispensary. The observations drawn from his clinical experience and experimental research have been the subject of more than 400 scientific papers, communicated or published in the country and abroad.

With the retirement of Prof. Dr. Mihail Dragomirescu (1994), Prof. Dr. Lucian Negruțiu took over the direction of the Infectious Diseases Clinic I until 2013. During this period, the research activity of the clinic was oriented towards the treatment of patients with HIV/AIDS, the diagnosis and therapy of opportunistic infections in these patients and the modern treatment of chronic viral hepatitis. From 2013 until 2023 the direction of the Infectious Diseases Clinic I is taken over by Prof. Dr. Iosif Marincu who through a sustained didactic and scientific activity continues to increase the prestige of the discipline within the Victor Babes University of Medicine in Timisoara and to extend the scientific collaboration with other national university centers or from other countries. After his retirement, the head of the Infectious Diseases Clinic I is Conf. Dr. Rosca Ovidiu, thus continuing the clinical and didactic activity of the Clinic and supporting the numerous research activities developed here.

Currently, the didactic activity is carried out with the students of the Faculty of Medicine (year VI), specialization General Medicine and General Medical Assistance (year III). The courses have been restructured according to the current bibliography in the literature and are presented in order to familiarize students with the methodology of the licensing examination and the residency competition. Thus, the written exams in the examination sessions are conducted using grid questions, and students in the final years are provided with the necessary scientific guidance and coordination by the teaching staff for the completion of their undergraduate work. 

The Infectious Diseases I team is also concerned with the theoretical and practical training of residents in infectious diseases, internal medicine, family medicine, epidemiology and other clinical specialties. For the doctors of the county and the territories surrounding Timis County, numerous postgraduate courses on various topics of infectious pathology are regularly organized to update the elements of diagnosis and treatment required in current medical practice and active dispensing of patients with infectious diseases. The scientific research activity is continued with the establishment of the Methodological and Research Centre for Infectious Diseases (CMCBI) based in the First Clinic of Infectious Diseases in 2021. Numerous publications in international journals can be found on the researcher profiles of the academic staff affiliated to the Discipline.