- Boc-Sînmărghiţan Diana is an associate professor at the “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timişoara where she teaches Romanian language as a foreign language, general and medical language. She graduated in 2003 from the West University of Timişoara, Faculty of Letters, Philosophy and History, and in 2005, the Master in Romanian Language in Synchrony and Diachrony, obtaining a scholarship to Paul Valéry University in Montpellier, France. In 2009, under the leadership of Univ. Prof. Vasile Frăţilă PhD, she is awarded the title of Doctor of Philology with the distinction magna cum laude. She is the author / co-author of scientific books and dictionaries, of numerous studies in the specialized field, published by prestigious publishing houses in the country and abroad. RLSmed. Româna ca limbă străină – limbaj medical (2020), Dicţionarul toponimic al Banatului (văile Bistra şi Sebeş) (2017), Compendium of Forage Technical Terms in English, French and Romanian (Cambridge Scholars Publishing) (2012) – are some illustrative titles for her scientific and teaching activity. She organizes communication sessions and interdisciplinary workshops, student circles, summer schools and coordinates in funding and research projects. During her scientific and teaching activity, she addresses aspects of current interest in the field of onomastics, lexicology, language history, as well as teaching in the medical specialty.
- Dumescu Patricia-Dorli has been the Head of English-German Works since 2005 at UMFT. She graduated in 2003 from the Faculty of Letters, Philosophy and History, West University of Timişoara. In 2006, she graduated from the Master of American Studies at UVT, and in 2011 she was awarded the title of Doctor of Philology, the magna cum laude distinction at the Western University, under the guidance of Univ. Prof. Mircea Mihăieş PhD. Since 2003, collaborating professor at the West University, and since 2005 collaborator, assistant and then head of works at UMFT. She teaches German and English at all three UMFT faculties, and adapt courses for: general medicine, pharmacy, dentistry. She has published works in the field of English literature and cultural studies both in Romania and abroad.
- Frînculescu Iulia Cristina is associate professor at the “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timişoara. Tenured professor in university education since 2000, with activity of English teaching, specialized languages (medical, IT, economic, etc.). PhD in philology since 2009, with her doctoral thesis: “Aspecte ale terminologiei medicale româneşti de după 1990 (cu specială referire la influenţa engleză (Aspects of Romanian Medical Terminology after 1990 (with special reference to English influence)”, scientific guidance of Univ. Prof. H.C. Mult. Maria Iliescu PhD (Institut für Romanistik, University of Innsbruck, Austria). More than 77 publications, of which 17 books (8 sole author) and over 60 articles (ISI Web of Science, Article, with impact factor, and BDI), studies and papers published in journals in Romania, Norway, France, Switzerland, Italy, Canada. Co-author of the international monographs Sustainable and Solidary Development, Reflections and Practices (Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2017) and L’intercompréhension et les nouveaux défis pour les langues romanes (Union Latine, Paris, France, 2011). Linguistic co-author of the Tratat de cardiopatii congenitale – Treaties on Congenital Heart Diseases (edited by Ion Socoteanu), published by the Romanian Academy Publishing House (2010) and awarded the Victor Babeş Prize of the Romanian Academy in 2012. Member of international philological scientific societies in UK, Switzerland and France. She has received national scientific and literary awards. Organizer and coordinator of scientific events, postgraduate courses, student circles.
- Kohn Daniela is associate professor at the “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timişoara. Tenured professor in university education since 1994, with activity of German and Romanian as a foreign language teaching, general and medical language. In addition to numerous published articles and books, she is the author of the internationally recognized Romanian as a Foreign Language textbook, Puls. Manual de limba română ca limbă străină, Polirom Publishing House, Iaşi, 2009/2016/2022 (vol. I, level A1-A2), 2012 (vol. II, level B1-B2). Since 2013 she has been a certified assessor for the German language, Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch (ÖSD), levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1. Since 2016 she has been an individual affiliate member of ALTE (The Association of Language Testers in Europe). She was appointed in 2018 by Ministry Order a substitute member in the competition commission of the Institute of the Romanian Language for occupying the positions of Romanian language lecturer who were to deliver courses on Romanian language, literature, culture and civilization in universities abroad. Since 2022 she has initiated and coordinates the research project The Clinical Interview with Standardized Patients together with Dr. PhD Bianca K. Ițariu (Medical University of Vienna). The project, carried out in Romanian, German, English and French, has a component of courses and workshops for students with the aim of developing future doctors’ skills in professional communication and a research component of the immersive scenario method (creating a context as truthful as possible by involving the standardized patient, actor) in the development of linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic skills in the medical context.
- Luca Gabriela-Mariana Luca has been tenured professor at UMFVBT since 1997, through competition, assistant professor, supervisor since 2002, associate professor since 2014, PhD in humanities since 2004 (history – with a thesis on cultural anthropology: Vraciul, preotul şi medicul. Tipuri de iniţiere (Healer, Priest and Physician. Types of Initiation) of the University Lucian Blaga from Sibiu, graduate of Al. I. Cuza Iaşi, in-depth studies, bachelor’s thesis in literary anthropology, defended at the French Semiotics Department, predoctoral year in cultural anthropology at EHESS – Toulouse; author of 4 volumes – sole author, 4 volumes in collaboration, coordinator of 3 collective volumes and author of over 50 studies and articles. Since 1997, she has been involved in the creation and development of the French-language departments of the Faculties of Pharmacy and General Medicine, organizing postgraduate courses in French for UMF professors, translations of specialized texts, administrative documents, etc. She is the organizer of 10 international conferences on cultural anthropology and coordinates undergraduate work in anthropology of the concept of health.
- Jebelean Elena-Ligia has been lecturer since 2022 at the Faculty of Medicine, she teaches Romanian language to foreign students. She is a graduate of the West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Letters, Philosophy and History (1994) and of the Master’s Degree in Literature and Mentalities (2005). She was awarded her PhD in philology with a thesis coordinated by the critic and literary historian Cornel Ungureanu, Modernizarea literaturii române în deceniul 5 al secolului XX – cazul Anişoara Odeanu (Modernization of the Romanian Literature in the 5th Decade of the 20th Century – the Case of Anişoara Odeanu) (2008), with the distinction magna cum laude. She is the author of a volume of criticism. She edited two editions of Anișoara Odeanu’s writings (poetry and prose), as well as two other editions of literary and cultural history (Aurel Buteanu, Victor Iancu). She is the co-author of two textbooks on Romanian as a foreign language and two volumes for preparing students for national exams. She contributed with chapters and studies to collective volumes – communication and argumentation, didactics of the discipline, history and literary criticism. She has published more than 30 articles. She coordinated and edited 35 collective volumes that reflect the concerns of the teaching community, as well as the cultural interests of young people. She organizes cultural events and creative writing workshops.
- Olaru-Poşiar Simona is graduate of the West University of Timişoara, English-German department. Her doctoral dissertation – Das Motiv des Wahnsinns in der deutschen Literatur – von Georg Büchner bis Patrick Süskind, is the first study in Southeast Europe written from a dual perspective – that of a philologist, but also of a clinical psychologist with the right to free practice, a work that combines notions of psychology, literature and psychiatry. Author of two books published in Romania – Motivul nebuniei în literatura germană – de la Georg Büchner la Patrick Süskind (The Reason for Madness in German Literature – from Georg Büchner to Patrick Süskind) and Literatur und Medizin. Wahn und Wahnsinn in der deutschen Literatur, she also collaborated abroad on a monograph entitled Language in the Digital Era. Challenges and Perspectives, and wrote Chapter 3 entitled Training and Development in the Digital Age, published by De Gruyter, Berlin. In 2019, the course for medical staff Deutschkurs für Ärzte, Mediziner und Pflegekräfte appears. Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch is issued. Since 2014, she has been coordinating a circle of debates within the Faculty of Dentistry – Debate for a better understanding of the world, a circle that brings together a number of 50 students every six months.
- Staicu Simona Nicoleta is an associate professor of English and Romanian language, employee of the “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timişoara since 2002; tenured professor by competition since March 2004 as English language trainer, English assistant since 2006, head of English language works since 2014; PhD in philology since 2012 (with a thesis in medical terminology Limbajul medical românesc actual. Perspectivă sincronică (‘The current Romanian medical language. Synchronic perspective’) of the West University of Timişoara, Faculty of Letters, History and Theology; graduate of the University of Craiova, Faculty of Letters and History, specialization: Romanian Language and Literature – English Language and Literature, Master at the West University of Timișoara, English and American Studies Translation Studies. She is the author of scientific books and medical glossaries (Glossary of Medical Terms. Acronyms and Abbreviations, 2018; Glossary of Medical Terms. Synonyms and Antonyms, 2021), of numerous studies in the specialized field, published by prestigious publishing houses in the country and abroad (Germany, France, Finland). More than 70 publications, of which 9 books (4 sole author) and over 60 articles (ISI Web of Science, Scopus, Ebsco articles, with impact factor, and BDI articles). Didactic and scientific research activity in the philological field: terminology with applications in medical terminology, terminography, lexicology, lexicography, translation studies, specialized languages, semantics, functional stylistics, corpus linguistics, text linguistics, discourse analysis, specialized translations.
- Şilindean Daniela is a graduate of the West University of Timişoara, Faculty of Letters, Philosophy and History (2003) and of the Master of Literature and Mentalities (2005), PhD in Philology with the thesis Modele dramatice: Eugène Ionesco, Matei Vişniec (Dramatic Models: Eugène Ionesco, Matei Vişniec (2008), with the the distinction magna cum laude, UVT; author of two volumes of criticism, co-author of a theater album and of a monography and co-author of two textbooks on Romanian as a foreign language. She is an Arts Editor and a member of the Editorial Board of the cultural magazine “Orizont” (indexed magazine BDI – CEEOL and EBSCO) and of the editorial board of the magazine “DramArt” (indexed CEEOL and SCIPIO), translator of literary texts (plays, theoretical texts, a volume of art history), author of studies published in collective volumes, author of more than 210 articles, book editor. She is a theater critic, member of the International Association of Theater Critics – Romanian section; member of the Romanian Writers’ Union; president of the 360 ° Cultural Association, coordinator of cultural-educational projects. Research fields: theater, dramaturgy, contemporary literature, cultural education, narrative medicine.
Florentin-Nicolae Crăineanu is a university assistant at the “Victor Babeș” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timișoara since 2023 (in the 2023-2024 academic year as an associate teaching staff, currently being a full-time employee), where he teaches English and French courses, both general and medical language. He graduated in 2009 from the Faculty of Letters, History and Theology, English-French section, from the West University of Timișoara. Later, he completed a master’s program in Psychology, which complemented and deepened his psycho-pedagogical skills and his interest in student well-being. Currently, he is a doctoral student in the field of Philological Doctoral University Studies within the Doctoral School of Humanities of the West University of Timișoara, under the coordination of Prof. Univ. Dr. Daniel Dejica-Carțiș. His research activity focuses on the implementation and development of modern methods of teaching modern languages to students in the medical field.
So far, his publishing activity has materialized in the publication of two full-length articles as a co-author (one article in the ISI stream, respectively one in the BDI stream), respectively by supporting 9 oral presentations at national and international conferences (Romania, Serbia, Spain, Republic of Moldova, Lithuania, Italy) and 4 workshops.