Address: 2 Eftimie Murgu Square, 300041, Timişoara
Phone: 0256/494604
Head of Department
Department Council
Department I of the Faculty of Pharmacy on ˝Victor Babeș˝ University of Medicine and Pharmacy was organized in 2011 in accordance with the legislation as the follower of Fundamental Studies Department which originates with the Faculty of Pharmacy.
Initially, Department I was made up of Pharmaceutical Botany, General and Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Mathematics and Biostatistics, Organic Chemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, Physiopathology and Physical Chemistry. Pharmaceutical Physics was included as a discipline beginning with the university year 2014-2015. Starting with the university year 2023-2024, Department I comprises the following nine university disciplines and clinics:
- University Discipline of Drug Analysis, Environmental Chemistry, Hygiene, Nutrition
- University Discipline of Pharmaceutical Botany
- University Discipline of Analytical Chemistry
- University Discipline of Physical Chemistry
- University Discipline of General and Inorganic Chemistry
- University Discipline of Dermatopharmacy and Cosmetology
- University Clinic Clinical Pharmacy, Communication in pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Care
- University Discipline of Pharmaceutical Physics
- University Clinic Toxicology, Drug industry, Management and Legislation
The human resource of Department I consist of 38 members of teaching staff, 3 laboratory assistants and 1 secretary.
The university disciplines and clinics of the department are included in the curriculum for the five-study years of the Faculty of Pharmacy (in Romanian and French) as well as in the short-term license study programs Pharmacy Assistants – Lugoj and Medical Cosmetics and Cosmetic Product Technology.
The competent teaching staff assisted by adequate material base carry out the task of providing the students with all the information in fundamental sciences and, partially, in specialised pfarmaceutical sciences which are needed in the complex training of a future pharmacist. Also, the teaching staff of the department are involved in activities within the master’s degree studies and higher education doctoral studies.
The postgraduate formative activity is represented by the contribution of the teaching staff of the department to the continuous pharmaceutical education of pharmacists through a rich offer of postgraduate courses and to the training of resident pharmacists – General Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Laboratory.
Alongside the didactic activity the members of Deparment I carry out scientific research work by means of collaborations with researchers from other disciplines and departments of our university, but also from other universities. This activity has led to obtaining numerous research projects, to publishing of scientific papers in valuable journals and to communicating the results at various national and international conferences.