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📃 Curriculum vitae



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📃 Curriculum vitae


General presentation

The discipline PHARMACEUTICAL PHYSICS has existed since 1991 in the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara, with the establishment of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Until 2013, she was under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Adrian Neagu – head of the BIOPHYSICS discipline at the Faculty of Medicine.

In 2014, the discipline of PHARMACEUTICAL PHYSICS became an independent discipline within the Faculty of Pharmacy, being taken over by Assoc. Prof  Dr. Ordodi Valentin, Dr. Caunii Angela, Prof. Dr. Szabadai Zoltan, and Dr. Nicolov Mirela. .

In 2016 joined the team Lecturer. Dr. Claudia Geanina Watz (Farcas).

Prof. Szabadai Zoltan and Assoc. Prof.Dr. Mirela Nicolov, with the help of the VICTOR BABES UNIVERSITY OF MEDICINE AND PHARMACY management, physically performed a set of 27 laboratory works with a strictly pharmaceutical specificity.

Pharmaceutical applications of many physical phenomena are performed.

The discipline of PHARMACEUTICAL PHYSICS in 2024 serves through the curriculum the following courses:

  • PHARMACEUTICAL PHYSICS at the PHARMACY sections in Romanian, French and English which is provided with 2 hours of course and 2 hours of laboratory works in the first year in the first semester. (where the course is held by Assoc. Prof.Dr. Mirela Nicolov and the laboratories of Lecturer Dr. Claudia Watz). The course and the laboratories from the PHARMACY sections in French are taught by Assoc. Prof.Dr. Mirela Nicolov
  • ELEMENTS OF APPLIED BIOPHYSICS at the ASF-Deva section provided with 2 hour of course and 2 hour of lab (where the course and laboratories are held by Lecturer Dr. Claudia Watz)
  • PHYSICS AND APPLIED BIOPHYSICS to the Medical Cosmetics and Cosmetic Product Technology section provided with 1 hour of course and 1 hour of laboratory (where the course and the laboratories are held by Lecturer Dr. Claudia Watz)

 The objectives of the PHARMACEUTICAL PHYSICS discipline are:

  1. Knowledge of scalar and vector quantities, respectively of SI and CGS units system of measurement
  2. Knowledge of the main mechanical phenomena of statics, kinematics and dynamics and their applications in the pharmaceutical field, such as measurements using scales, determinations of densities in solids (drugs) and liquid solutions, determinations of surface stresses in washing solutions used in in the field of pharmaceuticals, respectively the determination of different coefficients of viscosity (dynamic, kinematic and relative viscosity coefficients by different methods such as Hoppler and Ubbelohde of solutions used in the pharmaceutical field such as baby syrups and cough syrups.
  3. Knowledge of the main thermal and thermodynamic phenomena and their applications in the pharmaceutical field, such as the determination of the laws of gases, of specific heats in solids or liquids
  4. Knowledge of electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic phenomena, optical phenomena and their applications in the pharmaceutical field such as conductivity studies in different types of solutions used in the pharmaceutical field, the study and applications of sound waves
  5. Knowledge of phenomena in the field of laser physics, atomic and nuclear physics more precisely the phenomena of radioactivity, respectively X-ray and their applications in the pharmaceutical field such as the study of radiopharmaceuticals – a perspective directive in the pharmaceutical field, X-ray analysis of medical compounds for identification, applications of photonics
  6. Knowledge of the phenomena in the field of the biophysics of the nucleus, of the cell, membrane cell, respectively of the synaptic transmission, more precisely the knowledge of the notions of chemical synapses, respectively of the different chemical mediators
  7. Know how to perform measurements with the help of balance, densitometer, thermometer, chronometer , stalagmometer, viscometer, conductometer, microscope
  8. Knowledge of performing concentration calculations starting from experimental data
  9. Knowledge of the preparation of substances necessary for laboratory work
  10. Knowing the formulation of conclusions regarding the phenomena that occurred depending on the results obtained

PHARMACEUTICAL PHYSICS discipline aims to study the same theoretical and laboratory topics as those studied by the students of the Faculties of Pharmacy from the other Universities of Medicine and Pharmacy in Romania.

Bibliography required

  1. Nicolov Mirela, Szabadai Zoltan. Physique Pharmaceutique Travaux Pratiques – deuxieme edition revise et complete, Editura Victor Babes, Timisoara, 2023, 243 PAG, ISBN 978-606- 786-354-3
  2. Mirela Nicolov Zoltan Szabadai, Watz Claudia. PHARMACEUTICAL PHYSICS EXPERIMENTAL WORK, Editura Victor Babes, Timisoara, 2023, ISBN 978-606-786-328-4
  3. Mirela Nicolov, Zoltan Szabadai, Watz Claudia. PHARMACEUTICAL PHYSICS – PART I: Mechanics, Thermodynamics. Molecular physics, Physics of liquids, Phenomena of substance transport and heat transport, Biophysics of the cell, nucleus and biological membranes, synaptic transmission. Editura Victor Babes, Timisoara, 2023, ISBN 978-606-786-325-3 GENERAL ISBN 978-606-786-326-0 Vol 1
  4. Mirela Nicolov, Zoltan Szabadai, Watz Claudia. PHARMACEUTICAL PHYSICS Part II: Electricity, Magnetism, Electromagnetism, Sound and ultrasound, Radioactivity, Lasers, Optics. Editura Victor Babes, Timisoara, 2023, ISBN 978-606-786-325-3 GENERAL ISBN 978-606-786-327-7 Vol 2
  5. Nicolov M, Szabadai Z., Physique Pharmaceutique,  Part I: Méchanique, Thermodinamique. Physique Moléculaire, Physique des liquides, Phénomènes des transport de la substance et transport de la chaleur, Biophysique de la cellule, du noyau et des membranes biologiques, Transmission synaptique, Ed. V.Babes, 2016.
  6. Nicolov M, Szabadai Z., Physique Pharmaceutique,  Part II: Electricité, Magnétisme, Electromagnétisme,Son et ultrason, Radioactivité, Lasers , Optique, Physique atomique et nucléaire,Ed. V.Babes, 2018.
  7. Nicolov M, Szabadai Z., Physique Pharmaceutique Travaux Pratiques, Ed. V.Babes, 2016.
  8. Szabadai Z., Nicolov M, Fizica Farmaceutica,  Partea I: Mecanica, Termodinamica, Fizica Moleculara, Fizica Lichidelor, Fenomene de Transport, Ed. V.Babes, 2016.
  9. Szabadai Z., Nicolov M, Fizica Farmaceutica,  Partea II: Electricitate, Magnetism, Optică, Fizică atomică, Ed. V.Babes, 2018.
  10. Nicolov M, Szabadai Z., Fizica Farmaceutica,  – Aplicatii experimentale, Ed. V.Babes, 2019, ISBN 978-606-133-4.
Scientific research carried out by the members of the team

The members of the team of PHARMACEUTICAL PHYSICS: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nicolov Mirela and Prof. Dr. Szabadai Zoltan, together with the research team of pharmaceutical chemistry and toxicology have started a study of obtaining and analyzing organic crystals from pentacyclic triterpenes through the Contract «Brancusi« Romania – France no.791 / 30.06.2014: «Obtaining the microcrystals of pentacyclic triterpenes and the study of their pharmacotoxicological modifications on experimental models».

Dr. Nicolov Mirela and Prof. Dr. Szabadai Zoltan started a collaboration with the team of Prof. Dr. Nicolae Avram (member of the Romanian Academy) from the Doctoral School of Physics from West University of Timisoara on the study of structural, optical characteristics and electronic and spectral properties of organic crystalline materials in the category of pentacyclic triterpenes. This collaboration is closely related to the team of Dr. Christian Jelsch from Lorraine University of Nancy and the team of Prof. Dr. Simona Pȋnzaru from Babes Bolyai University of Cluj, Faculty of Physics, Department of Molecular Spectroscopy.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nicolov Mirela has a close collaboration with the team of Prof. Istvan Zupko and Dr. Rita Ambrus from the University of Szeged.

Dr. Claudia Watz (Farcaș) has a close collaboration with the research group within the discipline of toxicology, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Dehelean Cristina in the field of in vitro studies (normal / tumor cell cultures and reconstructed human 3D tissues) in order to establish the pharmaceutical profile -toxicological of different types of pharmaceutical formulations / biomaterials / nanostructures.

Representative scientific papers of the pharmaceutical physics team
  1. Nicolov, M., Cocora, M., Buda, V.; Danciu, C.; Duse, A.O.; Watz, C.; Borcan, F. Hydrosoluble and Liposoluble Vitamins: New Perspectives through ADMET Analysis. Medicina 2021, 57, 1204. medicina57111204 ( IF: 2.43)
  2. Mirela Nicolov, Roxana M Ghiulai, Mirela Voicu, Marius Mioc, Adina Octavia Duse, Roxana Roman, Rita Ambrus, Istvan Zupko, Elena Alina Moaca, Dorina E Coricovac, Claudia Farcas, Roxana Marcela Racoviceanu, Corina Danciu, Cristina-Adriana Dehelean, Codruta Soica, Cocrystal Formation of Betulinic Acid and Ascorbic Acid: Synthesis, Physico-Chemical Assessment, Antioxidant, and Antiproliferative Activity, Frontiers in chemistry, 2019, vol.7, pag92., IF=5.221,
  3. Emiliana-Laura Andreici Eftimie, Nicolae Avram, Christian Jelsch, Mirela Nicolov. Morphology of the GdVO 4 crystal: first-principles studies. Acta Crystallographica Section B, Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, International Union of Crystallography, 2020, 76 (5), ff10.1107/S2052520620009002ff. ffhal-02916039f, IF= 2.26.
  4. Claudia Geanina Farcas, Cristina Dehelean, Iulia Andreea Pinzaru, Marius Mioc, Vlad Socoliuc, Elena-Alina Moaca, Stefana Avram, Roxana Ghiulai, Dorina Coricovac, Ioana Pavel, Praveen Kumar Alla, Octavian Marius Cretu, Codruta Soica, Felicia Loghin. Themosensitive Betulinic Acid-Loaded Magnetoliposomes: A Promising Antitumor Potential for Highly Aggressive Human Breast Adenocarcinoma Cells Under Hyperthermic Conditions. Int J Nanomed. 2020, 15, p 8175-8200. IF = 6.4, Q1.
  5. Claudia Geanina Farcas, Ioana Macasoi, Iulia Pinzaru, Marius Chirita, Marius Constantin Chirita Mihaila, Cristina Dehelean, Stefana Avram, Felicia Loghin, Liviu Mocanu, Virgil Rotaru, Adrian Ieta, Aurel Ercuta, Dorina Coricovac. Controlled Synthesis and Characterization of Micrometric Single Crystalline Magnetite With Superparamagnetic Behavior and Cytocompatibility/Cytotoxicity Assessments.  Front Pharmacol. 2020, 11:410. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2020.00410. IF = 5.81, Q1.
  6. Elena-Alina Moaca#, Claudia-Geanina Watz# , Vlad Socoliuc, Roxana Racoviceanu, Cornelia Pacurariu, Robert Ianoș, Simona Cînta-Pînzaru, Lucian Barbu Tudoran, Fran Nekvapil, Stela Iurciuc, Codruța Șoica, Cristina-Adriana Dehelean. Biocompatible Magnetic Colloidal Suspension Used as a Tool for Localized Hyperthermia in Human Breast Adenocarcinoma Cells: Physicochemical Analysis and Complex In Vitro Biological Profile. Nanomaterials, 2021, 11, 1189. https://; IF = 5.076
  7. Daniel Pop, Roxana Buzatu, Elena-Alina Moaca*, Claudia Geanina Watz*,Simona Cînta-Pînzaru, Lucian Barbu Tudoran, Fran Nekvapil, Stefana Avram, Cristina Adriana Dehelean, Marius Octavian Cretu, Mirela Nicolov, Camelia Szuhanek, Anca Jivanescu. Development and Characterization of Fe3O4@Carbon Nanoparticles and Their Biological Screening Related to Oral Administration. Materials, 2021, 14, 3556.; IF = 3.623, Q1.
  8. Faur A. #, Watz C. # ,Moaca E.-A., Avram S., Borcan F., Pinzaru I., Iftode A., Nicolov M., Popovici R.A., Raica M., Szuhanek C.A., Dehelean C. Correlations on Phenolic Screening Related to In Vitro and In Ovo Assessment of Ocimum basilicum L. Hydro-Alcoholic Extracts Used as Skin Active Ingredient. Molecules. 2020, 25, 5442; doi:10.3390/molecules25225442. IF = 3.623, Q1.
  9. Szuhanek C.A., Watz C.G.*,Avram Ș., Moacă E.-A., Mihali C.V., Popa A., Campan A.A., Nicolov M., Dehelean C.A. Comparative Toxicological In Vitro and In Ovo Screening of Different Orthodontic Implants Currently Used in Dentistry.  Materials 2020, 13, 5690; doi:10.3390/ma13245690. IF = 3.623, Q1.
  10. Popa A. Dehelean C, Calniceanu H.*, Watz C. *, Brad S., Sinescu C. , Marcu O.A., Popa C.S., Avram S., Nicolov  M.,  Szuhanek C.A. A Custom-Made Orthodontic Mini-Implant—Effect of Insertion Angle and Cortical Bone Thickness on Stress Distribution with a Complex In Vitro and In Vivo Biosafety Profile. Materials 2020, 13, 4789; doi:10.3390/ma13214789. IF = 3.623, Q1.
  11. Mirela Nicolov, Zoltan Szabadai, Cristina Trandafirescu, Dan Dragos, Urea Simulation As A Biofunctional Material,  CHIM. (Bucharest) vol. 66 Nr. No. 5 , p.681- 684, 2015, IF: 0.956
  12. Mirela Nicolov, Zoltan Szabadai , Cristina Trandafirescu , Dan Dragos, Elena Amaricai, Claudia – Crina Toma SiO2-TiO2 Structure Simulations,  CHIM. (Bucharest) vol. 66 Nr. No. 6 ,P.837-839, 2015, IF: 0.956
  13. Mirela Nicolov, Adina Octavia Duse , Doina Georgescu, Florin Borcan, Puiu Velea, Preliminary Studies on Betulinic Acid Crystals with Organic Solvents, REV. CHIM. (Bucharest), vol. 67 (No. 7) , p.1411 – 1414, 2016, IF: 0.956
  14. Mirela Nicolov, Marius Mioc, Dan Dragos, Hartman Perdok Method for Analysis of Growth form of Crystals, REV. CHIM. (Bucharest), vol. 67 (No. 5) , p.1014 – 1018, 2016, IF: 0.956
  15. Roman, E.-L. Andreici, M. Nicolov, Z. Szabadai, N. M. Avram ,  Semi-Empirical And “Ab Initio”  Analysis of Molecular and Crystal Structure of Betulinic Acid, Tim 15-16 Physics Conference, 26.Mai 2016 , Timisoara, ROMANIA.
  16. E-L. Eftimie (Andreici ),  Nicolov , R. Roman , Z. Szabadai and N. M. Avram, Methanol Monosolvate of Betulinic Acid:  Optical and Electron Density Properties, Robert Stewart Summer School on Charge densities and electron properties,  23-26 august ,2016 , Nancy , France.
  17. Alina Heghes, Mirela Nicolov, Adina Octavia Duse, Dan Dragos, Zoltan Zsabadai, Sorin Bolintineanu,Daniela Marti, Hartman Perdok Method Applied to A2BSi2O7and AB2O6 Types of Microcrystals and the Concept of Fractional Charges, REV. CHIM. (Bucharest), vol. 68 (No. 4) , p.742-744, 2017, IF: 1.232
  18. Adina Octavia Duse, Delia Berceanu Vaduva, Mirela Nicolov, Cristina Trandafirescu, Marcel Berceanu Vaduva, Mariana Cevei, Alina Heghes, Biostatistical Analysis and Possible Forecasting of Relationship Between Uric Acid and Specific Laboratory Tests in Cases of Gouty Arthritis,  REV. CHIM. (Bucharest), vol. 68 (No. 6) , p.1234- 1243, 2017, IF: 1.232