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National Congress of the Romanian Society of Pathophysiology with international participation

National Congress of the Romanian Society of Pathophysiology

with international participation

Tradition in Education and Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Research

October 2-5, 2024, Timisoara


  • Romanian Society of Pathophysiology
  • „Victor Babeș” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timișoara – Centre for Translational Research and Systems Medicine
  • Foundation of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timișoara


Dear colleagues, dear students,

On behalf of the Romanian Society of Pathophysiology and the Organizing Committee, we are delighted to invite you to attend the National Congress of the Romanian Society of Pathophysiology,

„Tradition in Education and Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Research”

to be held in Timișoara, between October 2-5, 2024, with the support of the „Victor Babeș” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Timișoara, be means of the Centre for Translational Research and Systems Medicine and of the Foundation of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timișoara.

The Congress will be held in the Aula Magna of the university, under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Daniel Florin Lighezan, the Vice-Rector for Education of the university and will have the scientific endorsement of the International Society of Pathophysiology, view the participation of Prof. Dr. Vladimir Jakovljevic, the Acting President and Prof. Dr. Olga Pechanova, the Past President of the International Society of Pathophysiology.

Pathophysiology is a biomedical science, which is the typical example of interdisciplinarity, being situated at the interface between basic disciplines and clinical medicine, and at the forefront of the progress of knowledge of the mechanisms of disease and the rational basis of therapy.

The event will serve as an academic platform for the dissemination of the latest pathophysiological concepts and pathogenetic therapies of chronic diseases, will bring together doctors and pharmacists, leading specialists and reputed international researchers, will allow the establishment/reinforcement of collaborations with research groups from home and abroad, and will provide an excellent educational opportunity for young people.

The 4-day scientific program includes state-of-the-art lectures delivered by invited speakers from abroad, plenary conferences/oral communications held by pathophysiologists and invited speakers from home and abroad, dedicated workshops on medical and pharmaceutical specialties, satellite symposia, as well as oral and poster sessions for young researchers (PhD students, master students, postdoctoral fellows). During the congress, in line with tradition, the colleagues from the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine will present their work in a special section.

Through the topics of the lectures followed by debates, the direct interactions with renowned specialists and with the presence of the International Society of Pathophysiology leaders, we hope that the meeting from Timisoara will mark an important moment in the development of national and international Pathophysiology, both in education and research, and provide a venue that will ensure communication in the broadest meaning of the word.

Participation of the undergraduate students to the scientific program is free of charge in the limit of available places (prior registration is required by sendig an e-mail to the addresses silvia.gruin@student.umft.ro & andreea.gherghe@student.umft.ro).

In the morning of the 2nd of October, a pre-congress Advanced Research Workshop entitled „Education Through Research – Meet the Experts„, will be held in Aula Magna, comprising plenary lectures delivered by prestigious invited professors from abroad. The event is mainly dedicated to the students, PhD, MSc, postdoctoral students, but participation is free and open to all interested people (program and registration form will be available in the beginning of September).

We are looking forward to welcoming you in the European cultural capital from the heart of Banat region, to renew old friendships and make new ones!


Co-Presidents of the Congress,

Danina M. Muntean, MD, PhD
Ovidiu Burtă, MD, PhD


Invited Speakers (alphabetical order):

General Information

Location: Aula Magna of the university, E. Murgu Sq. nr. 2, Timișoara

Official Languages: Romanian and English

Registration fees:

CategoryUntil September 15th, 2024From September 16th, 2024
Full Professor100 Euros120 Euros
Associate Professor /Senior consultant
80 Euros100 Euros
Lecturer, MCR* /Consultant75 Euros95 RON
Assistant-Professor, ECR* /PhD student/ MD Resident/ Pharmacist, Biologist, Biochemist60 Euros80 Euros
Accompanying person50 Euros50 Euros

Registration fees should be paid by bank transfer (payments details are found in the Registration Form).

Participants who register and pay the registration fee after September 22, 2024 will receive congress materials depending on the stock availability. Paid fees are not refundable.

Registration Form can be downloaded here: EN (click here)


Abstracts will be written in English and will be included in the e-book with ISBN published by Victor Babes Publishing House.

Power Point presentations of the plenary lectures/oral communications and posters will be in English.

Paper presentations will be in Romanian or English.

Authors should fill in the preferred type of presentation in the Registration form. The Scientific Committee will decide on the type of presentation (which may be different from the author’s choice) and will inform the participants in due time.

Deadline for abstract submission: September 15, 2024.

Abstract requirements:

Title – centered, Times New Rom (TNR),14pt, bold, capitalized, 1 line.

Authors (full name and first initial, no professional/academic titles) – centered, TNR, 12pt, bold, 1 line.

Affiliation – centered, TNR, 12pt, italic, 1 line.

E-mail of the first author – centered, TNR, 12pt, 1 line.

Structure (maximum 350 words, TNR, 12pt, 1 line): i) classic (Background, Objectives, Materials and methods, Results & Conclusion) for the oral communi-cations and poster presentations, ii) free choice for the plenary lectures.

Key-words: 3 – 5 key-words, TNR, 12pt, italic, 1 line

Funding: source of funding (if applicable), TNR, 12pt, 1 line

 The abstract(s), Registration form and proof of payment of the registration fee should be sent (as attachments) to both e-mail addresses below:

Contact persons:

Assoc. Prof. Adrian Sturza, MD, PhD
E-mail: sturza.adrian@umft.ro

Prof. Danina M. Muntean, MD, PhD
E-mail: daninamuntean@umft.ro


octombrie 2 @ 08:00
Se termină:
octombrie 5 @ 17:00
Eveniment Categories:
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Loc de desfășurare

Aula Magna
Timisoara,+ Hartă Google
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